Archive for category CRM

Learn The New Sales Alphabet

 It use to be that the acronym “ABC” in the sales world stood for “Always Be Closing.” In today’s interactive consumer environment, however, ABC now stands for a different sales mantra. According to selling guru Steve Adubato, the new meaning should be remembered as “Always Be Communicating.” This strategy can be broken down into three […]


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Real Time Translation Applications Are Here

  The future may be upon us already with a Japanese mobile company’s recent announcement of a free, real time translation application that will allow the telephone user to chat in multiple languages both over the phone and by text. Called “Hanashite Honyaku,” the service will be available for smartphones and tablet computers to call […]

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Total Trak Recorder: A Key Element of Quality Management

  Interactive Tel’s Total Trak Recorder is the mission-critical call recording and quality management system created expressly for automotive dealerships. With Total Trak, you may not only record and track every single customer call resulting from any particular marketing campaign, but also maintain and archive a “prospect trail” that tracks your sales lead from their […]


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InteractiveTel Makes It Happen

Northwestern’s prestigious Kellogg School of Management did a study in 2007 about the effectiveness of website generated sales leads. Did you know that a delayed response to the potential well as unsuccessful call back attempts… are directly correlated to poor lead qualification and lower lead-to-close ratios? With Interactivetel’s Webcatcher feature, you can get to […]

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Be More Responsive

Traditional phone service is expensive. With Interactivetel, you can save money and tie in your telecommunications services directly into your CRM, without a costly website redesign or changes to your back end. Interactive Tel allows you to be more responsive to your leads and customers, while increasing accountability, allowing you to track call data easily […]

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What is Telephony, Anyway?

What is telephony, anyway? Technically, it refers to the technology connecting the electronic transmission of voice, phone, and fax between speaker and receiver. In today’s world, however, it has everything to do with the movement of digital information between telephone and computer systems. Using  the internet instead of a traditional telephone company infrastructure allows Interactivetel […]

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Total Track

And Interactivetel is also useful for the small business or dealership too. Our IAT Total Trak Recorder allows even a company with a handful of sales reps and relatively small call volume to track and record all inbound and outbound calls, as well as phone numbers including local, toll free, and of course the main […]

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Interactivetel’s Voice Blast allows you to record a message and send it to one person, or a thousand…there’s no restriction on the number of users who can receive it! VoiceBlast can be used for clients, prospects, vendors, manufacturers or any other group where you need to get the word out simply, clearly, and effectively. Clients, […]

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Get the InteractiveTel difference

Keep It Simple…it’s something one hears a great deal in popular culture and even in the automotive industries. And yet, it’s undoubtedly hard to do in a business culture that’s often bubbling over with innovation, information and new technologies to manager. With InterActiveTel, you can consolidate your telecommunication needs into one, easy to navigate, set […]

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We are an SMS Gateway provider

Text messages are quickly becoming a key element in many auto marketing  campaigns…but did you know InterActiveTel is an SMS Gateway Provider? That means you can have SMS capabilities using your local telephone provider. With our SMS API, you can connect to a dedicated phone number and send and receive the business text messages you […]

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Save money with Call tracking

Call tracking. Every company says they do it, but how much information are you really gathering per customer call? Have you ever tried contacting your own dealership? With InterActiveTel, cut out the guesswork, and save valuable time and money with detailed, custom reports about each caller or call you make. Accountability comes easy with our […]

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Web Catcher service

It’s a proven marketing fact that the faster you can reach a lead, the more likely you are to make a sale. Imagine, then, having a potential customer fill out even a single form on your website, and getting InterActiveTel to immediately contact you with that information delivered to you as a phone call? We […]

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Voice Blast feature

Perhaps you’ve received an email blast, a group email message sent by a supervisor or colleague…or maybe your teenager at home has shown you how to send out a phone text to a group of friends or family members. With InterActiveTel’s Voice Blast, you can do the same with a phone message. Use Voice Blast […]

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