Learn The New Sales Alphabet

 It use to be that the acronym “ABC” in the sales world stood for “Always Be Closing.” In today’s interactive consumer environment, however, ABC now stands for a different sales mantra. According to selling guru Steve Adubato, the new meaning should be remembered as “Always Be Communicating.” This strategy can be broken down into three […]


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InteractiveTel: Call Recording Systems That Make Sense

In the past, call recording systems were limited to big companies who could afford enormous call centers and huge quality management departments. Luckily, technology-and the costs involved-have changed. With Interactive Tel’s range of telephony options, you can take advantage of the best reasons to record calls, and all for an affordable price. Consider these benefits […]


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Conversions Tied To Rapid Response

  Many companies rely on their websites now for lead generation, with a research study out of Harvard Business School reporting that investment in online marketing has moved from 12.5 billion dollars spent in 2005 to 22.7 billion as of 2009-and those numbers have grown exponentially since. However, the same study also reported that most businesses […]


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Real Time Translation Applications Are Here

  The future may be upon us already with a Japanese mobile company’s recent announcement of a free, real time translation application that will allow the telephone user to chat in multiple languages both over the phone and by text. Called “Hanashite Honyaku,” the service will be available for smartphones and tablet computers to call […]

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Total Trak Recorder: A Key Element of Quality Management

  Interactive Tel’s Total Trak Recorder is the mission-critical call recording and quality management system created expressly for automotive dealerships. With Total Trak, you may not only record and track every single customer call resulting from any particular marketing campaign, but also maintain and archive a “prospect trail” that tracks your sales lead from their […]


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Social Media And Customer Experience

Social media may prove more useful for the auto industry than simply providing an interactive marketing opportunity. According to researchers at Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business, social media postings can also be a great way to boost vehicle quality management by monitoring the feedback, personal experiences and reviews  posted by consumers on forums, discussion […]


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Smartphones: A Fact of Life

The United Nations announced this month that there are over 6 billion cell phone in use all over the world. When you compare that figure  to population numbers, it means roughly one phone for 86 out of every 100 people. That’s a lot of folks…and a lot of phones. The United Nations also revealed that […]

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Make InteractiveTel your sole communications provider

Why InteractiveTel, is the Single Solution Provider? Not only do you save money by having all your voice and data communication services handled by by just one company, but you can use that savings for even more interactive applications that you currently receive from all those other telephony vendors. And with so many options available, […]


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Add the ‘click to call’ feature to your site

Lead delivery isn’t a receptionist taking a message. Integrate it into your website, with an online click to call feature or our Webcatcher, which allows you to be notified immediately when a prospect fills out their contact information online. Forget cold leads and lost messages. With InteractiveTel, you can get in touch right now, and […]

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Do you have telephony integration?

Do you have total telephony integration with your current CRM? With Interactive Tel, you don’t have to shackle your sales team to the computer to track endless data and customer call information. We do it all for you. With an intuitive dialer, measured up dialing time versus time between calls, as well as screen pops […]

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Advances on Client Based Authentication technology

Safe, unhackable passwords are the technology on everyone’s mind lately, but soon they may be an outdated safety convention entirely. Recent advances in “Client Based Authentication Technology” may mean you can log into any secure computer system with your fingerprint or using other biometric means. Moisturizing your hands may be soon more useful than the […]

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Swedish consumer affairs agency propose new rules

Sweden is getting tough with telecommunications providers…all to protect parents from children making expensive  calls and purchasing game accessories via their smart phones. Stemming from a Swedish case in 2011 where young brothers, seven and six, inadvertently spent the equivalent of $7600 on virtual  “berries for Smurfs” as part of a popular online game. The […]

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ITEXPO slated for October 2nd to 5th

Ready for ITEXPO? The largest telecommunications and technology marketplace in the world will be convening on October 2nd through 5th in Austin, Texas. With 7500 individual attendees expected, this promises to be a huge opportunity for domestic and international businesses looking for powerful telecommunications solutions for their unique challenges . With plenty of manufacturers, developers, […]

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